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Customer Support
There are deadlines for assistance in Club Player Casino, where the team of professional support works and you can get answers to your questions. Live chat service for fast response time, and we recommend using it 24 / 7. There is a toll-free U.S. number and you can call or send a letter and expect a response within 24 hours.
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To keep our players in the security Club Player Casino uses the latest security technology. Club Player stores your personal or financial information when you register, which is stored using 128-bit SSL encryption. This technology hides the player data and makes it virtually impossible for those who want to decrypt the information.
RTG Software is well known as one of the largest gaming sites in the world, so their games are fair. TST is one of the largest independent randomness test firms around and Club Player Casino demonstrates audit seal. Although it is not a link to the full certificate, you can see this seal at the bottom of Club Player Casino website.

US players accepted

There are games from RTG Software and a full selection of slot machines

U.S. telephone, 24/7 support via live chat and email address are means of communication with customer support

It is proved fair TST

Not full independent audit certificate is available for viewing

Limited choice of games in the Instant play version

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